At Your Own Pace
Enjoy all the benefits of a small group setting with one on one interactions with you professor. Decide whether you will take the entire class in one sitting or if you prefer to finsih all 4 segments at your own pace.
- $175 per segment
- $495 for FULL course ($200+ discount)
CEUs/CLEs: 1 CEUs or CLEs / per segment, 4 Total
4hr FULL Course
Beginning November 15th, IRIS Learning Network, together with ACT-IAC, will offer a 4 hour, hands on HL7™ Fast Health Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) for Executives.
- ACT-IAC Members: $295 for full course, includes lunch.
- Non-Members: $495 for full course, includes lunch.
(Become an ACT-IAC member today to receive $200 off this course!)
HL7® Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) for Executives
The United States (U.S.) health care system has changed exponentially during the past decade due to efforts to abate unsustainable costs and ameliorate lackluster quality of care. A driving force for change was the financial incentives and disincentives of the HITECH Act[1] which sought to improve the quality, safety, efficiency and care coordination of health care through the “meaningful use” of electronic health records (EHRs). Health IT adoption during this time rose from single digits to 96 percent adoption of certified health IT in non-federal acute care hospitals[2]. Now that most organizations have adopted health IT, there remains an imperative to optimize and improve present state systems to assure that the original goals of efficiency and care are met.
The exchange of health information or interoperability – remains a challenge, even in the best situations. The use of health IT standards has become a requirement for EHR systems as evidenced by federal regulations which identify standards necessary for quality care and to support interoperability. One of these standards is the HL7® FHIR® Standard, which has opened a door to simplified design for sharing health data. This course provides a foundational understanding of FHIR® such that a healthcare executive can evaluate how best FHIR® can support areas within their organization.
Learning Objectives
- Describe the present state of technology in health care as driven by government regulations, industry collaborations and innovation.
- Compare the present state of U.S. health Information Technology (IT) with progress at your organization (e.g. electronic health record (EHR) in use, state of interoperability within and outside of the organization).
- Summarize key benefits and situations which optimize the use of the HL7® FHIR® standard.
- Compile a list of requirements from your facility that are based upon interpretation of the FHIR® standard and how it can be used to optimize care.
- Assemble a simple plan to utilize FHIR® within your facility based upon real and/or example Scenarios/Use Cases.
The course is broken up into 4 logical 1-hour segments starting at 10 am and ending at 3 pm with a 1 hour lunch that will be provided.
Segment 1: Present State of Health IT and Interoperability
- A Decade of Health IT
- Level Set Health IT in your Organization
Segment 2: FHIR® Benefits and Basics
- Filling the Gaps
- Exchanging Data
Segment 3: Using FHIR®
- Existing FHIR® Projects and Collaborations
- Basic FHIR® Solutions
Segment 4: Example FHIR® Scenarios
-Begin with “Resources”
-“Profiling” to Support A Use Case
Lindsey Hoggle presently serves as a Health Information Technology (IT) Standards Subject Matter Expert for IRIS. Utilizing her patient care experience in diverse acute care settings, she transitioned to the Health Information Technology field, where she has worked for the past 19 years. Her experience in systems implementation (National Institutes of Health) and advocacy for nutrition inclusion in health IT regulations, policy, and standards (Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics) laid the foundation for health IT standards development at Health Level Seven (HL7®), where she has participated for the past 8 years.
- HL7® FHIR® Connectathons (in-person testing of FHIR® content required for standard maturity)
- Project management for FHIR® Unique Device Identifier (UDI) content in the FHIR® U.S. Core Standard for Interoperability Implementation Guide (IG), which supports requirements of the 2015 Edition of EHR Certification
- Project management for quality review, Virtual Connectathon, Working Group Meeting Connectathon for FHIR® Validated Healthcare Directory Implementation Guide Release 2
- Management of creation of FHIR® Nutrition Order, including Proof of Concept presentations
- Comment and ballot reconciliation for FHIR related ballots during the past six years of HL7 ballot cycles (3 ballot cycles/year).
[1] American Medical Informatics Association
[1] Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009)
[2] https://dashboard.healthit.gov/quickstats/pages/FIG-Hospital-EHR-Adoption.php
[3] American Medical Informatics Association
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